Tuesday, September 14, 2010


Big strides in the way of development these last few weeks. Caitlin turned 3 (Can't believe it's been 3 years already!! [And people though I wouldn't know what to do with parenthood]), and she started using the potty. We had a few accidents the first couple of days, but now, she'll be sitting there on the couch and turn to either me or mommy and say "I GO POTTY!" and proceed to run to the bathroom practically ripping off her underwear to sit on the toilet.

2 Days accident free so far, and counting. WoOT!!

Exploit of my forgotten tallents

So a few weeks ago my boss asked me to design a brochure that would encompass all 4 properties that we have here in the beautiful coachella valley. I figured, eh, what the heck, i'll give it a shot.

So I developed something a week ago and he submitted it to our corporate big wigs, and they loved it. Today I finally finished the 4th revision and i would have to say, I'm pretty dang proud of it. I may not be a designer, but it seems to come natural, something to do with my family I guess.

Any-who, it's getting final approval this week, then off to the printer, and BAM! we have a new brochure.